Elite Minds is a
mindset coaching program
that teaches and inspires young athletes to use their mind to achieve their sporting goals.

Our Story
Elite Minds is a product of two professional athletes and a success mentor crossing paths to improve corporate productivity. As they embarked on the journey of professional development for business, they saw the potential for the material to have a significant impact in the sporting arena. This conversation also ignited each other’s passion for creating positive change for today’s youth, and this paved the way for the creation of Elite Minds.
Rachael, Mark and Emily combine their expertise from the relevant fields of PROFESSIONAL SPORT, COACHING, TEACHING, EDUCATION, PSYCHOLOGY AND PARENTING, to teach a new way of thinking that has the potential to transform not only your sporting journey, but also other areas of your life as well.
Their shared experiences brought them to a common passion and vision to help you learn how to use your “mental muscles” to create meaningful and empowering change in your sporting life.

Success Mentor
& Educational Consultant
Rachael is a business success mentor and is passionate about helping people create the results that they want in life. After 21 years of education and teaching, Rachael realised she was never taught how to use her mind the way it was designed. This drove her passion to study it in-depth and to teach it to people from all walks of life.
Rachel is particularly passionate about bringing this information to young people who have a love of sport and want to take things to a whole new level. In her youth Rachel was exceptionally athletic and is a mother of 4 children all involved in sport, so has a strong understanding of the current landscape and pressures of youth sport. Over the past 6 years, she has worked predominantly with businesses, both nationally and internationally, to help individuals and leadership teams use their minds to get the results that they want.
Proctor Gallagher Certified Consultant, Proctor Gallagher Institute
Neuro Linguistic Programming, Success Dynamics Institute
Emotional Coach with Beyond Success, Canberra
Masters in Education (Mentoring and Leadership), University of Tasmania
Bachelor of Teaching, University of Tasmania
Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Hons) University of Tasmania
Certificate IV Training and Assessment Tasmanian Qualifications Authority
Cricket Hub Director
& Former Tasmanian Tiger
Mark began his professional career as a cricketer in Tasmania. Prior to playing for Tasmania, Mark had travelled throughout Australia representing Cricket ACT, Victoria Country XI and the Prime Ministers XI. He has a Bachelor of Business/Sports Management and an Advanced Diploma in Finance and Economics and is now the Managing Director of The Cricket Hub in Hobart. A one-stop shop for all cricketing equipment and coaching needs, that also now provides a mindset program.
He is a highly regarded coach and member of the cricketing community, he has always been acutely aware of the importance of positive role models for young people. Through his coaching work over the past 23 years, Mark has worked with many athletes of all levels and seen the importance of mindset as we prepare athletes for improved performance. An area now that Mark is very passionate about and became a driving force in the creation of Elite Minds with Rachael Downie and Emily Divin.
Level 3 – Cricket Australia Coach
Bachelor of Sports Administration
Bachelor of Business Management

Former Tasmanian Roar (Cricket) Van Demons (Hockey)
& Canberra Eclipse (NSL Soccer)
Emily holds a Bachelor of Sport Science/Psychology and a Graduate Diploma in Exercise Rehabilitation and also filled her childhood with sport. By age 16, she was selected in underage Australian representative teams in the sports of cricket and soccer. She competed at an open national level in three different sports, the Women’s National Soccer League with the Canberra Eclipse, cricket with the Tasmanian Roar (now Tigers) and hockey with the Tasmanian Van Demons (now Tigers).
Emily was the first female in Tasmania, and second nationally, to combine motherhood and semi-professional cricket. She went on to be a leading influencer of the ground-breaking parental leave policy created by Cricket Australia. She became acutely aware of the profound impact our beliefs, confidence and self-image have on our results, performance and enjoyment of sport; as well as the responsibility we have to ensure our children grow up with strong images of themselves, high confidence and unlimited beliefs about their potential.
Bachelor Applied Science (Sports Science) 2004
Bachelor of Applied Psychology 2004
Graduate Diploma of Exercise Science 2011
Level 1 – Cricket Australia Coach